
Xinlong Du is a Postdoctoral Scholar at University of California, Berkeley working with Dr. Tracy Becker. His research aims to enhance resilience of critical infrastructures and make renewable energy more accessible and affordable to people. His doctoral research was focused on failure analysis of transmission towers subjected to hurricanes. At UC Berkeley, he is looking at failure of solar arrays under wind storms.

Xinlong received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Central South University and Tongji University in China, respectively. He obtained his PhD degree from Northeastern University. His Ph.D. advisor was Dr. Jerry Hajjar.


12/17/2024: A new paper titled “A unified three-dimensional nonlinear mixed formulation with analytical interpolation functions for slender column analysis” has been published in Engineering Structures. Congratulations!

9/7/2024: A new paper titled “Methodology for collapse fragility development for hurricane events: Electrical transmission towers” has been published in the Journal of Constructional Steel Research. Congratulations!

3/9/2023: A new paper titled “Clustering and selection of hurricane wind records using autoencoder and k-means algorithm” has been accepted for publication in ASCE’s Journal of Structural Engineering. Congratulations!

2/28/2023: Xinlong went to Denver and attended the PV Reliabiity Workshop hosted by NREL. He presented a poster on determining lifetime duty cycles of solar PV joints. He also co-chaired a session “Durability outside of the module laminate A”. Here are the program details.

2/8/2023: Xinlong attended the NEW TRENDS IN REAL-TIME HYBRID SIMULATIONS TO ADVANCE FLUID-STRUCTURE INTERACTION RESEARCH workshop at Florida International University. Here are some details.

11/8/2022: A new preprint is online regarding collapse fragility development of electrical transmission towers under hurricanes.

10/2/2022: Xinlong attended the ETS 2022 Conference and made a poster presentation on fragility analysis of eletrical transmission towers.

9/29/2022: A new preprint is online regarding uncertainty quantification of hurricane wind speed and direction records.

9/23/2022: Xinlong went to the RE+ 2022 Conference and talked to a lot of people in the solar power industry.

9/1/2022: Xinlong moved to UC Berkeley as a postdoctoral scholar working on a project funded by the Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO).

7/26/2022: Xinlong defended his Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations!

4/19/2022: Xinlong has been selected as a College of Engineering Outstanding PhD Teaching Award recipient. Congratulations!

3/22/2022: Xinlong attended 2022 NASCC: The Steel Conference and made a oral presentation on nonlinear dynamic analysis of transmission towers considering uncertainties in hurricanes.

8/31/2021: The WindyWaves team (Xinlong Du, Hadley Besing, Gustavo Coelho, and Soundarya Sridhar) won the DesignSafe Academy 2021 hackathon. Congratulations!

7/29/2021 The beam elements developed by Xinlong for modeling transmission towers have been added to the official OpenSees GitHub repo.

6/28/2021: The Northeastern Graduate Structural Engineering Association (NGSEA) won the 2021 SEI Graduate Student Chapter of the Year Award. Congratulations!

5/28/2021: Xinlong attended the EMI 2021 Conference and gave a presentation on nonlinear beam element development for steel members with asymmetric sections subjected to dynamic loading.

2/23/2021: Xinlong volunteered to serve as a mentor for the NHERI SimCenter Programming Bootcamp.